Quit with Nick

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Experience the Freedom
From Constant Vaping. BREATH EASY!
Book Your 15 min Free Call Now!
Did You Use Vapes
To QUIT cigarettes only to find that you’re more addicted now than ever before?
Book Your 15 min Free Call Now!
Does it feel a little like you
‘robbed Peter to pay Paul’ by switching to vapes?
Book Your 15 min Free Call Now!
Never smoked but ‘enjoyed’
The first puff thinking ‘it’s not as bad as cigarettes, I won’t get addicted’?
Book Your 15 min Free Call Now!

For all the reasons that made vaping an easy hole to fall into, they’re the same reasons why you’re finding it hard to quit. Don’t beat yourself up, it was an easy thing to fall prey to.

It’s convenient

No disgusting taste, breath or smell

They’re ‘fruity’ and colourful looking

Anywhere any time



Call QuitWithNick Hypnotherapy!

Quit in 1-Session with Sydney’s Most Highly Reviewed Quit Vaping Expert on Google with over 25 years experience!
Ready to kick the vaping habit for good?
I got your back with a lifetime guarantee!

Smokers Treated & Counting
Felt They Could Quit For Life
0 %
Five Star Google Reviews & Counting
TAKE THE FIRST STEPS jonathan-kemper-RuMzMXNenKg-unsplash
This page is guaranteed to help you find the right stop vaping hypnotherapist for you to stack the odds in your favour that you’re going to successfully quit the vapes and make sure that ITS FOR GOOD!

Are You Ready To Invest a Few Minutes Of Your Time To Research This Page And Short Videos To End The Most Preventable Cause Of Death In The World?

Before you invest your time and money with a hypnotherapist to quit, it's important to find a specialist who:
If this is important to you, let’s have a chat.
The truth about Stop Smoking Hypnosis, the ‘Guarantee’ and ‘Success Rate’ Other Hypnotherapists Won’t Tell You. You REALLY Need to Know this!
Everything you need to know about Hypnosis Stop Smoking Programs to save you time, money and disappointment.
I know how they’ve been trained and I know their marketing tactics, now you will too!
If you don’t know the questions to ask you risk frustration and HUNDREDS of dollars wasted!
PLEASE watch this video IN FULL to make sure you choose the RIGHT hypnotherapist.
Other Hypnotherapists aren’t going to be happy that I’m ‘spilling the beans’ here, but i don’t care about them, I care about helping smokers quit! That means sharing everything I know about who to see and who not to see! It’s important.

Quit Smoking Hypnosis Sydney

Please let me be clear, this isn’t about making me look good by ‘bagging out’ other Hypnotherapists – that’s silly. It’s about helping you find the right one regardless of who it is. I guarantee that knowing this information is going to greatly increase the chances that Stop Smoking Hypnosis is going to work for you.

YES! Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy can be a very effective tool to quit vaping, but it’s only as powerful as the lifestyle program it’s part of and the skills and expertise of the hypnotherapist you’re doing it with.

The fact is, like all professions, not all Hypnotherapists are equally competent and you’re unlikely to become a ‘Quit Cigarettes in 60 Specialist’ after just a 3 DAY HYPNOSIS COURSE (yep, that’s not a typo).

Being an ex-smoker myself, a Psychotherapist and Specialist Hypnotherapist with more than 25 years experience and having helped over 4,600 smokers quit with hypnotherapy, sure, I could tell you all about how and why hypnosis works, but you can find that information anywhere.

Watch the video here to find out how hypnosis helps you stop smoking.

I'd rather share with you the difference that makes the difference between a successful quit vaping hypnosis program that is effective and permanent, and one that is ineffective with little or only short-term success.

QuitWithNick Client Reviews

Quit Smoking Hypnosis Sydney

WHY are hypnosis stop smoking programs so "hit and miss"? 

WHY aren't more smokers getting the long-term results they were promised?

WHY does it seem to work for some but not for others?

Here's why... 

Call or enquire now and let's have a conversation, it won't hurt but continuing to vape will.

In just 15 minutes or so, I’ll ask you some questions about your vaping habit, history and lifestyle. In that time, I’ll be able to determine with a high level of accuracy if this program is actually going to work for you. If for whatever reason I feel it won’t, I’ll tell you why. I’m not going to book you in and take your money anyway. That’s not how I operate.

That's why I have the most 5-star google reviews than anyone in the country!

At this point you might be wondering, ‘sounds good, but what’s the cost?’

The real question is; ‘What VALUE do you place on becoming a healthier and wealthier non-smoker in just one session?’

If you are committed and determined to quit the vapes and if I feel like you’re ready to do your part, I absolutely promise that I will work with you and your financial situation to make it an easy decision for you.

Your vaping is going to end at some point, the question is, under what circumstances?


is only a phone call away!


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